How to Clean Your Laptop Keyboard: A Beginner’s Guide

Your laptop keyboard is more than just a tool for inputting data; it’s a gateway to the digital world. Every email you send, every report you write, every search you conduct, all pass through this essential component. But with constant use, your keyboard can accumulate dust, debris, and bacteria, which not only affects its performance but can also pose a health risk.

Did you know that a laptop’s keyboard can carry 20,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat? It’s a startling fact that underscores the importance of regular cleaning. But how do you clean your laptop keyboard without damaging it? What tools do you need? And how often should you clean it?

In this comprehensive guide about how to clean your laptop keyboard, we’ll answer all these questions and more. We’ll walk you through the process of cleaning your laptop keyboard, offering practical tips and precautions along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned tech enthusiast or a complete beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your keyboard clean, safe, and functioning at its best. So, let’s get started!

Before You Begin

Before you start the cleaning process, it’s crucial to unplug your laptop and turn it off. This is a safety measure to avoid any electrical accidents and prevent damage to your device. Also, gather all the necessary cleaning tools such as a microfiber cloth, isopropyl alcohol, and compressed air.

It’s also a good idea to set up a clean, well-lit workspace where you can lay out all your tools and easily see what you’re doing. A large table or desk is ideal. Cover the surface with a clean towel or cloth to protect your laptop and catch any debris that falls out during the cleaning process.

Remember, cleaning your laptop keyboard isn’t a race. Take your time and be gentle to avoid causing any damage. If you’re unsure about anything, consult your laptop’s user manual or contact the manufacturer’s customer service for guidance.

Lastly, if your laptop has a removable battery, it’s a good idea to remove it as well. This adds an extra layer of protection for your device during the cleaning process. If your laptop’s battery isn’t removable, don’t worry. Just make sure the device is off and unplugged before you start cleaning.

Removing Debris

The first step in cleaning your laptop keyboard is to remove loose debris. This includes crumbs from your snacks, dust, and other small particles that can get stuck between the keys. To do this, turn your laptop upside down and gently tap it to dislodge any crumbs or dust. Be careful not to shake or tap too hard as this could potentially damage your laptop.

For a more thorough clean, you can use a can of compressed air. This is a handy tool that can blow away dirt and debris from the keyboard. When using compressed air, remember to spray in a zigzag pattern across the keyboard and avoid spraying directly under keycaps to prevent damage. Hold the can upright and about a half-foot away from the keyboard. This will ensure the air pressure is effective but not too forceful.

Another tool you can use is a small, soft-bristled brush, like a clean makeup brush or a paintbrush. This can be used to gently sweep away debris from between the keys. If you don’t have a brush, a dry, lint-free cloth can also do the trick.

Remember, the goal here is to remove as much loose debris as possible before moving on to the next steps. This will make the deep cleaning process easier and more effective.

how to clean your laptop keyboard

Deep Cleaning

Once you’ve removed the loose debris, it’s time to go deeper. This step involves cleaning the areas underneath the keys, which can often harbor dust and grime that’s not visible on the surface.

Before you start, check if your laptop model allows for key removal. Some laptops have keys that can be easily popped off and reattached, while others do not. If you’re unsure, consult your laptop’s user manual or look up your model online.

If your keys are removable, take a picture of your keyboard before you start. This will serve as a reference when you’re ready to reattach the keys. Use a gentle tool like a flathead screwdriver or a butter knife to carefully remove the keys. Be sure to do this gently to avoid damaging the keys or the underlying mechanisms.

Once the keys are removed, use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean the areas underneath. The alcohol will help to dissolve sticky residues and disinfect the area. Be sure to let the areas dry completely before reattaching the keys.

If your keys are not removable, don’t worry. You can still give your keyboard a deep clean. Use a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to clean around the edges of the keys. You can also use compressed air to blow out any remaining debris.

Remember, deep cleaning your keyboard is a meticulous process, but it’s worth it. By taking the time to clean underneath the keys, you’ll be ensuring the longevity and performance of your laptop.

Disinfecting the Keyboard

After removing the debris and cleaning underneath the keys, it’s time to disinfect the keyboard. This step is especially important in the current times when hygiene is of utmost importance. Regular disinfection can help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that can accumulate on your keyboard.

To disinfect the keyboard, use disinfectant wipes or a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol is a great choice because it evaporates quickly and doesn’t leave a residue. It’s also safe for most materials, including plastics, which are commonly used in keyboards.

Start by gently wiping each key and the areas between them. Be sure to clean the sides of the keys as well, where oils from your fingers can build up over time. If you’re using a cloth, make sure it’s damp, not soaking wet. You don’t want any liquid to seep into the keyboard.

If you’re using disinfectant wipes, it’s a good idea to wring out any excess liquid before wiping the keyboard. Some wipes can be quite wet, and you want to avoid introducing too much moisture to your keyboard.

For those hard-to-reach areas, you can use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. This can help clean and disinfect the areas between keys and other tight spaces.

Remember, while it’s important to disinfect your keyboard, it’s equally important to do it safely. Never use bleach or other harsh chemicals, as they can damage the keyboard’s materials. Always stick to mild disinfectants like rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes.

Final Touches

Once you’ve cleaned and disinfected your keyboard, there are a few final touches to ensure your keyboard is not only clean but also looks and feels as good as new.

Start by using a dry microfiber cloth to wipe down the keyboard. This will remove any remaining moisture and leave your keyboard looking shiny and new. Microfiber cloths are excellent for this purpose as they can absorb moisture effectively and are gentle on your device.

If you’ve removed the keys for cleaning, now is the time to reattach them. Refer to the picture you took earlier and carefully place each key back in its rightful place. Press down gently until you hear a click. This indicates that the key is securely in place.

Once all the keys are back in place, turn on your laptop and do a quick test to make sure all the keys are working correctly. If you notice a key isn’t responding, it might not be properly attached. In this case, gently remove it and reattach it, making sure it clicks into place.

Finally, make a habit of regular cleaning. Depending on how often you use your laptop, aim to give your keyboard a thorough clean every few months. Regular maintenance will not only prolong the life of your keyboard but also provide a more pleasant and hygienic typing experience.

And there you have it! With these final touches, you’ve successfully cleaned your laptop keyboard. It might seem like a lot of work, but with practice, it will become a quick and easy part of your laptop maintenance routine.


Cleaning your laptop keyboard might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and steps, it’s a breeze. Regular cleaning not only extends the life of your laptop but also creates a healthier environment for you. So, don’t wait until your keys start sticking. Start your keyboard cleaning routine today!

For more tips and guides on maintaining your tech, check out Averguytech. They offer a wealth of information on everything from laptop maintenance to the latest tech gadgets. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a beginner, Averguytech is a great resource for all your tech needs. Thanks for reading how to clean your laptop keyboard be sure to check out more content daily. 

Remember, a clean keyboard is a happy keyboard. And a happy keyboard leads to a more productive, healthier you. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and give your keyboard the care it deserves. Happy cleaning!